About Us

My name is Keith and my wife is Rachel.  We live in Denham Springs, LA just outside of Baton Rouge.  We have 3 kids, 2 girls and a boy.

We both will be contributing here, I will be tagged as KAT and Rachel will be RT, just so everyone will know who is posting. 

I work retail, so my schedule is pretty crazy, luckily my lovely wife has been committed to going to either the Denham Springs Farmer's Market or even the Red Stick Farmer's Market in downtown Baton Rouge.  Our options are limited as far as what we can get there.  We are trying to get all of our meat from these places, but the selections are quite limited.

Some of the things we can get that are locally grown or raised are:
Milk (Smith's Creamery non-homogenized)
Different Cheeses
Ground Beef
Beef Roasts
Pork Chops
Pork Roast (not tenderloins though)
Whole Chickens
Lots of types of Sausages
Bacon (mmm bacon...)
Quail ( a new family favorite)
Goat Meat (not sure I can get everyone to try yet)
Lots of fruits and vegetables
Homemade pies

Of course these products are usually more expensive, but the quality is so much better.  Also the peace of mind knowing that all of this is LOCAL is worth it.

I am disappointed that I can't find local bananas though...